Birds and Birdhouses

Making windchimes is an incredibly fun and creative activity. Designs, colors, and components are only limited by imagination and often inspired by a random conversation or a closer look at a picture where my mind saw one thing yet the original picture was slightly different and my mind had already created something new.  This windchime is one such creation. 

DarionGlass has had a version of a bird windchime for many years.  We started out with leaves and a single bird, then birds with a single leaf, then birds with a bee, then pairs of birds facing each other. I looked at the windchime with three pairs of birds and then saw a lovely birdhouse creation and thought about putting the birds with birdhouses. This new windchime shown here has two pink birdhouses, created from a rectangular incense holder that had broken and so now has a second life! After looking at this windchime, it has inspired a new version of birdhouses, so there will be more to come.

The birds and birdhouses are whimsy and designed to be colorful so that you can see them from the corners of your yard – and they will make you smile 🙂

If there is a particular item, color or design for an object that springs to mind for you and you want to know if we can create it, get in touch and we will see what we can do. Contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.  

Next week: New Plant Peepers


New Plant Peepers

