Peeping Peepers

Several years ago I saw some whimsical animals in stained glass and they made me smile.  I wanted to make something like that – an item that just makes you smile every time you see it.

I embarked on creating what I call my Plant Peepers.  This is a collection of fused glass animals that are attached to a stainless steel straw and can be planted in your garden or in a lush green houseplant that can use a bit of color as shown here.  Some peepers are more realistic, such as flamingoes that must be pink and ladybugs that must be red and bumblebees that must bee striped.  Other peepers are representational and made of whatever I fancy at the time – butterflies and dragonflies are always many bright colors, turtles have pentagons made of finely ground glass called frit on their shells, owls, frogs and birds appear in a variety of wild colors and combinations. There are also snails, peacocks, and whatever else I can think of!

Plant Peepers are not only fun to make, but inexpensive to purchase.  They are the perfect gift for any plant lover and don’t require constant watering or a green thumb.

We enjoy making items that represent special times or special people.  If you want a special item, contact us by emailing here or contact us on Facebook.


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